Welcome to UCSB Alumni 

Here's what to expect from the Office of Alumni Affairs:

Class of 2021, congratulations and welcome to UCSB Alumni! We are so proud of our newest graduates and can’t wait to stay connected with you.

@UCSB is the monthly e-newsletter from the office of Alumni Affairs. You’ll receive the newsletter in your email during the first week of each month. In it, you can read about exciting campus updates, see spotlights on fellow Gauchos, and learn about ways for you to stay engaged with campus. Check it out to stay up to date on the latest events, professional opportunities, and philanthropic initiatives.

Another first step that we encourage you to take is to join the Gaucho Network! This platform is the perfect way to stay connected with friends from campus or to grow your alumni circle. Your story continues here.

Welcome to the Gaucho Family!

View past versions of @UCSB